Pictures from Finland

Year 2007

With these pictures I'd like to greet all my friends!

Here you see swans preparing to fly to the south:


Here we are having a day off with children in Tampere after having been in the North part of Finland, and spending Hannu's gift for our pleasure!


Here you are, dear friends from Mari El and Slovakia!


This is one of the basic streets in central Helsinki


Well, the next picture is not Finland, but Prague. The finns were fighting here in 1648, but these are tourists, you see. Together with my cousin's son we went here to see the site of the beloved Jednota Bratrska and to see our friend Gennadij, a Mordvinian who lives here.


This is an old loggers shelter in the North, and an old logger also.

Let the Grace and Peace of God to be multiplied with you!

